Welcome to the English blog of GOVT MODEL HSS PERINTHALMANNA

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The Hour of Truth | One-act Play | Percival Wilde | Dramatisation

The Play, 'The Hour of Truth', is written by Percival Wilde. The play is taken from 'A Question of Morality and Other Plays'. The Characters are Robert Baldwin, Martha, John, Evie, Mr.Marshall and a maid. The play is an intense psychological study of the corrupting influence of money on people. The plot of the play explores greed from diverse angles. Although all individuals are tempted by money at one point or other in life, this one act play particularly shows how easily people forget their moral values and principles when they are tempted by money. But at the end of the play the reader realizes that money only brings with it isolation, punishment, deception, frustration and endless shame.

SRG English, GMHSS Perinthalmanna has enacted the play for the benefit of the students. The scene is set at Baldwin's cottage and it is Sunday afternoon. Robert Baldwin has gone outside. His wife and children are anxiously waiting for his arrival...

Watch the stage performance and see what happens there at Baldwin's house.👇

Newspaper Report | How to write a newspaper report ?


Newspaper reporting involves finding facts and presenting them in a comprehensive way. Satisfying the curiosity of the readers is the major task of good journalism. Newspaper reporting is an important question in the Higher Secondary English Question Paper. In this video lesson, let's see how we can prepare a good newspaper report. Hope you will be able to prepare a newspaper report of your own after going through this study material. Now let's watch this video lesson. 👇

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Amigo Brothers (Piri Thomas) | Animation | Part 1 and 2



          ‘Amigo Brothers’ written by Piri Thomas tells the story of two seventeen year old friends – Antonio Cruz and Felix Vargas - who are trying to qualify for the Golden Gloves Championship tournament. They are born and brought up in the Lower East Side of Manhattan in the United States. The two boys have grown up together and are such great friends that they feel like brothers. (The Spanish word ‘amigo’ means friend).

        Antonio and Felix are skilled, enthusiastic and intensely passionate boxers. Antonio was fair, lean and lanky, while Felix was dark, short and husky. One day, Antonio and Felix learn that they are set to fight each other in an elimination bout that will determine which of them goes on to compete in the Golden Gloves—the first step towards a real professional fighting career. Since they have to fight it out among themselves to fulfil their dream of one day becoming the Light Weight Champion of the world, now they are facing one of the biggest challenges of their life. They have to select between their friendship and competition – two themes of the story ‘Amigo Brothers’ and decide which is more important to them.

What happens when they have to face each other in one of the 

biggest challenges of their life?

         Before going to that let’s see how they lived together as two amigos in the same neighbourhood, who live and breathe the sport of boxing. They train together whenever they can and share an encyclopaedic knowledge of the sport and its stars. Their passion for boxing is a positive element of their lives that has kept them away from gangs and drugs, which are prevalent in their New York City neighbourhood. 

        Let’s see an animation about their lives and the events that happened before the Division Finals in this first part of our video lesson on ‘Amigo Brothers’.

Amigo Brothers | Animation | Part 1 | Video Lesson 👇


         Now, let's see the second part of the story.

The two face internal conflicts about the value of friendship as they prepare for the physical conflict. Though they have always been trained together, in the days leading up their bout the boys decide to separate till the day of their fight. They agree to treat each other like typical opponents in the ring, and they vow that, whatever happens, their friendship will remain intact.

On the appointed day, both fighters come out swinging. Both of them were so popular in their neighbourhood that the morning of the fight, Tompkins Square was a beehive of activity. As the two climbed into the ring the crowd exploded with a roar. Match started. They fought toe-to-toe. At the end of the final round, the boys were fighting so intensely that they did not hear the bell, and the referee and the two trainers pried them apart.

Do you think that the fight will affect their friendship?

Ok. Let’s see what happened there at the end of the match in this second part of our video lesson on Amigo Brothers.

Amigo Brothers | Animation | Part 2 | Video Lesson 👇


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

MENDING WALL by Robert Frost | Poem Explanation and Critical Analysis


"Poetry provides the one permissible way of saying one thing and meaning another" - Robert Frost.

Mending Wall' by Robert Frost is a narrative about two neighbours who meet every spring to repair the stone wall that divides their properties. The central theme of the poem is whether it is wise to erect walls among human beings.The poem Mending Wall is one of the most popular poems of Robert Frost because of its obvious simplicity and the deeper philosophies of life it discusses.

Are you ready to enjoy the poem 'Mending Wall'. Let's analyse the poem in three different sections. The first part discusses the general theme and the beginning of the poem. The second part describes the progress and the ending of the poem, which ends in delight. The third video lesson critically analyses the theme, poetic devices and the figures of speech used in the poem. Hope these video lessons will help you to enjoy and analyze the poem. 😊

Mending Wall | Poem Analysis | Part (I)👇
"Something there is that doesn't love a wall,
One on a side. It comes to little more:" (Line 1-22)

Mending Wall | Poem Analysis | Part (II)👇
"There where it is we do not need the wall:
He says again, 'Good fences make good neighbours.' (Line 23-45)
Mending Wall | Critical Appreciation | Part (III)👇

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Horegallu - Anecdote by Sudha Murty (Visual Adaptation)


Remembering the good old childhood days often fills our mind with freshness and vigour and revitalizes us enough to go forward with confidence. In this video lesson we are going to see an anecdote written by Sudha Murty. Apart from being the chairperson of the Infosys Foundation, a fact well known to all of us, she is a prolific writer in English and Kannada. She has written novels, technical books, travelogues, collection of short stories and non-fiction pieces. The anecdote 'Horegallu' is taken from "The Old Man and his God: Discovering the spirit of India" published by Penguin books. Here in this video lesson we are coming out with something special for you to learn the anecdote 'Horegallu'.

Visual Adaptation of 'Horegallu' 👇


Thursday, August 20, 2020

Blurb Writing (Activity III - Matchbox)


Blurb is the description of a book on its back cover. It's a brief summary of the book designed for marking. Do you know the origin of the word Blurb ? Who used the word Blurb for the first time for the description of his book on its back cover ? How can we write a blurb ? You will find the answers for all these questions in this video lesson. Pebitha teacher joins with you to explain all these things. Are you ready? Then watch this video lesson 👀👇

Panel Discussion (Activity II -Matchbox)

Are you familiar with Panel Discussion? A panel discussion is a public exchange of ideas, giving experts and audience members the chance to discuss a particular topic. What is a panel? What are various elements of a panel discussion ? Ok.. we would like to explain all these things with the help of a panel discussion made by our students assuming different roles. Please watch their panel discussion on the topic "Indian  women - finding a space in the socio-cultural milieu". Faseena teacher will also join you in this video lesson to explain more about the panel discussion. Shall we start.. ?

Monday, August 3, 2020

How to prepare a character sketch - Nomita (Matchbox)

A 'short story' is a prose narrative "requiring from half an hour to one or two hours in its perusal." (Edgar Allen Poe). Plot, character, dialogue, time and place of action, style and stated or implied philosophy of life are the chief elements of any prose fiction. Even though, the brevity is the most important characteristic of the short story, still there is scope for characterization, and development of the plot at least in the limited sense of the term. Plot and character are the two important elements of a short story. The plot is the arrangement of the events in the story. What about the character? Let's analyze the various aspects of characterisation with reference to Nomita, the protagonist of the short story 'Matchbox'.
Please watch this video lesson 👇

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Matchbox - Textual Explanation (Part I, II & III)

Matchbox tells the story of a married couple. The man has the habit of opening the wife's mail and reading it. He tells her it is right to screen her mail to see if she has a lover. She is more or less confined to the house by way of custom. Ashapurna Debi starts her story by comparing women to matchboxes.
Let's go through the first part of the story. Are you ready...

Textual Explanation (Part I)
Textbook Page No: 17 & 18
("I always compare women to matchboxes. Why? ........
........ It's nothing much, a letter from Nomita's mother.")

Video Lesson 👇

Textual Explanation (Part II)
Textbook Page No: 18, 19 & 20
("It's her standard speech - the good woman has  ........
........ A dung-picker's daughter becomes a queen, and so--")

Video Lesson 👇

Textual Explanation (Part III)
Textbook Page No: 20 & 21
("Shut up!" Nomita yells. Their room's on the third floor ........
........ Quite without fear, they put them in their pockets.")

Video Lesson 👇

Monday, July 20, 2020

MATCHBOX (Audio/Visual Adaptation)

Hope you have gone through the introductory video of the story 'Matchbox'. Now we are glad to announce that SRG English, Perinthalmanna has created an audio/visual adaptation of the story for you. Hope the audio/visual adaptation of the story will help you to enjoy the story 'Matchbox' written by Ashapurna Debi. Are you ready for an audio/visual journey through the storylines...?
Then, here we go... ☺